Togo: LOME
Lome is the capital of republic Togo, in this town we had our 'home base'. From here we made our trips to the other towns and villages. On the question, if Lome is a nice town or not, you cannot answer Yes or No. The town itself is very poor and in particular districts also dirty with a lot of waste on the streets. But on the other site if you get, after some days, used to the reality you start feeling the strong atmosphere of the town. You see all the friendly and laid-back people, you see the typical african 'somehow organized' chaos on the streets, you see how much time all the poeple have and you see, that stress is completelly unknown word in Africa.
Main atractions in Lome are the Grand Marché, the fetish market and the long beach. Grande Marche in Lome is the biggest street market in Togo, people are used to go here 'shopping' every day and buy here all the stuff, we buy in supermarket. There are really a lot of people on very small place. The fetish market is the most strange place we saw during our journey. You can get here a lot of dead animal and rests of them. You see here a lot of dried chameleons, heads of monkeys and crocodiles, teeth of sharks and so on. All these are on one side a 'touristic attraction' and on the other side ingredients for voodoo ceremonies. You can take part on voodoo ceremony, where you can buy some voodoos with good spirits, if you like.